2020 Day Camp Cancellation Notice

Dear Camp Fort Hill Community,

For nearly a century, Camp Fort Hill has been a part of the local community. A keystone of Camp Fort Hill is our Day Camp. As Camp Fort Hill belongs to the youth of the community, that is who we serve, first and foremost. A decision to cancel Day Camp 2020 was made by the board of directors on May 18th, 2020. This was an involved decision that was not taken lightly. Due to the current state of affairs regarding COVID-19, it is not legally or logistically feasible for Day Camp to operate this year. The CDC, MDHHS and Governor’s Office guidance has facilitated this decision.

We want the community to know that we understand that the impact of this choice greatly affects the campers, the staff and the community. We are saddened that the campers will not be able to spend the summer swimming in Lake Tamarack, tie-dyeing Camp Fort Hill t-shirts, climbing the wall or shooting a bow and arrow at archery.

Although the COVID-19 response has necessitated the closing of Day Camp, we have carefully reviewed the guidance from the aforementioned entities and have determined that it is still feasible to rent camp facilities after June 12, 2020. Camp rentals will be subject to updated policies and procedures related to COVID-19 safety considerations.

We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to our community partners, who have continued to support us through this unprecedented situation. Although we foresee a challenging year ahead of us, we are continually evaluating how Camp Fort Hill can serve the community. We invite you to consider donating to Camp Fort Hill to help us through this difficult time.

Despite the limitations that have been imposed on camp this year, we would like to highlight some projects that we have been working on, such as all of the trail and grounds maintenance that has occurred. We have been hard at work grooming the trails for our guests. Come hike at Camp Fort Hill any day of the week between dawn and dusk. We ask that you remember to leave no trace, keep pets under control and to follow CDC social distancing guidelines.

We sincerely thank you for your support and understanding during this unique time. We look forward to seeing you on the trails and cannot wait to showcase how Camp Fort Hill continues to serve the community.

In Fellowship,

Camp Fort Hill Board of Directors